International office of our faculty contributes towards efforts of the faculty to provide its students with experiences and opportunities to enrich not only their students’ life, but their prospects of employment after graduation or even during their studies. This is another component of development of entrepreneurial spirit with our students and academic community – gaining experience, exchanging knowledge and good practice, collaboration, networking, gaining cultural insight, acquiring international certificates and diplomas, increasing employability and competitiveness at labour market are only some of the aspects mobility provides. The focuses of internationalisation of our faculty are:
- International partnerships
- Modernisation of study programs
- Student study experiences
- Teaching staff internationalisation
International partnerships we seek and nurture are meaningful, relevant, strong, innovative, creative, synergetic, mutually beneficial and sustainable. In those frames, academic partnerships we foster are regional, European and global.
Modernisation of study programs entails continious survey of the curricula universities in the areas of our interest provide worldwide, as well as tailoring our programs to suit the needs of our educational process stakeholders including worldwide paragon trends.
Teaching staff internationalisation is regarded as a complex aspect of our internationalisation strategy as well as its core part, since teachers are seen as facilitators and organisers of the educational process. Teaching practices depend on academic staff competences to implement carefully designed programs of study, especially in the specific context of entrepreneurial education. Therefore, exchange of knowledge and practices with colleagues from partner universities, teaching in international context abroad and at home, research collaboration, publishing findings at relevant international journals and conferences, taking part in international projects are all of paramount significance.
Student study experiences in addition to innovative, relevant and internationalised study programs and teaching methods tailored to their needs encompass student mobility.
Student Mobility implies attending one or more semesters of an undergraduate or postgraduate study programme at a foreign university. There are two types of student mobility: exchange and full degree seeking (international students).
Exchange students are those students who, based on the agreements of their home university and a partner foreign university, spend one or more semesters studying at the partner university as a part of his/her own study programme (the effort is officially recognized).
International students actually enrol in a foreign university right after their high school or pursue their undergraduate and postgraduate studies at a university abroad. They do not need to seek their previous educational institution partners from abroad, but choose under their own preferences or opportunities.
Students at home university – host students – are available for any service during the stay of international or exchange students to make their stay more pleasant, culturally richer and more enjoyable, academically more successful. They are organized in teams during their internship and are coordinated by Department of international cooperation of the faculty.
If you have any interest in:
- becoming our exchange student,
- becoming our full-degree student,
- participating in international activities and broaden your experience and network as a host student,
- working on international projects with the our faculty as a foreign university or a local youth group,
- getting involved in teaching internationalization activities and projects,
- starting a partnership of our two higher education institutions,
- finding any information you would like about the faculty and starting cooperation
International office is at your disposal. Feel free to contact us via e-mail or phone.
International Office
phone: +381 14 292 610
Our faculty is proud of its traditional and fruitful cooperation with its partner universities, but also seeks for new partners and cherishes and nurtures its entire network of foreign colleagues. So far, the official Agreements of cooperation have been signed or re-signed with the universities given below.
Note that the names of the universities are links to the corresponding websites, while the type of agreement is given in the brackets. of grant mobility programmes, find more information in the website section Projects and programmes, while with which exact universities they are currently available find out more in the website section Latest news.
Application deadlines:
Note that the deadlines for your application to your Heads of the Department/ Study program are 1st April for winter semester and 15th October for summer semester.
Universities with Erasmus+ mobility agreements:
- DHBW Ravensburg: Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Germany – (Erasmus+ mobility agreement). The agreement allows mobility within a range of undergraduate programmes of study. Note that prerequisite for application is minimum B1 (according to CEFR) in the English language. The final deadlines for application for mobility at this university are mid March for winter semester and mid October for summer semester.
- The University of Maribor, Slovenia – (Erasmus+ mobility agreement). The agreement allows mobility within all undergraduate and master programmes of study available at the Faculty in Valjevo. Note that prerequisite for application is minimum B1 (according to CEFR) in the English language.
- Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany – (Erasmus+ mobility agreement). The agreement allows mobility within undergraduate and master programmes of study Business administration/ Economics/Marketing & Psychology. Note that prerequisite for application is minimum B1 (according to CEFR) in the German language, while English is additional language of instruction.
- Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava (USV), Romania – (Erasmus+ mobility agreement). The agreement allows mobility within undergraduate and master level programmes of study in the areas of Travel, tourism and leisure, Information and communication technology, Business and administration. Note that prerequisite for application is minimum B1 (according to CEFR) in the English language.
- TED University, Turkey – (Erasmus+ mobility agreement). The agreement allows mobility within undergraduate and master programmes of study Economics/ Business Administration/Marketing & Psychology. Note that prerequisite for application is minimum B2 (according to CEFR) in the English language.
- Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey – (Erasmus+ mobility agreement). The agreement allows mobility within undergraduate and master programme of study Economics/ Business Administration. Note that prerequisite for application is minimum B1 (according to CEFR) in the English language.
- Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I.) of Epirus, Greece – (Erasmus+ mobility agreement). The agreement allows mobility within undergraduate programmes of study Economics, Nursing, IT programs. Note that prerequisite for application is minimum B1 (according to CEFR) in the English language.
Universities with Memorandums of Understanding (no financially covered mobilities):
- DHBW Stuttgart: Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- Saxion University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
- Edutus College, Budapest, Hungary
- State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Institute of entrepreneurship technologies, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Siberian State Aerospace University (SibSAU), Russia
- Schiller International University – Heidelberg, Germany
- Ural State Forest Engineering University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
- Ural State University of Economics, Ekaterinburg, Russia
- Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
If you are a foreign student interested in spending a semester or your full-degree studies at our faculty Valjevo, you will find the section Incoming students very useful. If you are Faculty of Health, Legal and Business Studies’ student interested in mobility at one of our foreign partner universities abroad, follow the section Outgoing students.
Incoming students
Our Faculty
Documents and procedures
Life in Valjevo
Outgoing students
Outgoing students
Academic staff
Academic staff
Students’ experiences
Find more information in the website section Ongoing projects, while all news find out more in the web section News.