The study programme of undergraduate academic studies in Nursing lasts for 4 years, or 8 semesters, and belongs to the educational-scientific field of medical sciences, in the area of medical science. Teaching in this study programme is conducted in the form of lectures, exercises, and other forms of active teaching (clinical practical teaching, seminars, workshops, round tables, professional practice). Each academic year provides 60 ECTS credits within mandatory and elective subjects, with a total of 240 ECTS credits for the complete Nursing studies. In the first year of study, individuals can enroll in accordance with the procedures and conditions regulated by the Statute of the Faculty of Health and Business Studies, Regulations, and general acts of the Faculty.

Undergraduate academic studies of the Nursing study programme equip students to independently conduct health care using the nursing process as a modern and undisputed approach to patient care, recommended by reference nursing associations (ANA, EFN). Throughout this study programme, students learn to respect ethical principles and adopt a holistic approach, as well as evidence-based nursing principles in the implementation of health care. In addition to the fundamental principles of nursing supported by theoretical and practical knowledge of basic and clinical subjects, students also learn contemporary documentation management, comprehensive communication, basics of management and statistics, as well as teamwork in clinical and community settings, with both healthy and ill individuals and groups. The study programme integrates the basics of research and pedagogical work and emphasizes continuous education through following professional literature.
All forms of teaching are based on interactivity, providing students with opportunities for better understanding of the material, acquisition of knowledge, and formation of their own attitudes while adopting existing doctrines. Throughout the studies, critical thinking and independent work are equally valued, participation in specific professional and developmental projects is encouraged, and abilities for problem-solving are emphasized and developed.
Upon completion of the undergraduate academic studies in the Nursing study programme at the Faculty of Health and Business Studies, the academic title obtained is a graduate medical nurse.
What is the purpose of the study programme Nursing?
Academic education of nurses, coupled with extensive professional practice, meets the professional requirements aimed at educating professionals capable of functioning effectively at all levels of healthcare (primary, secondary, tertiary levels), based on acquired specific knowledge during the educational process at the Faculty of Health and Business Studies in Valjevo.
The purpose of the Nursing study programme is to educate the necessary professional workforce, taking into account new approaches to health and healthcare policy based on health protection and promotion, which require redefining nursing roles and competencies.
The medical nurse is trained to collaborate as a member of multidisciplinary teams in all medical disciplines to address complex health issues. By acquiring knowledge and specific skills from this study programme, the nurse becomes competent and recognizable in the domain of individual, family, and community health.
Since the programme belongs to the medical field, nurses carry out professional practice both independently and as members of healthcare teams, using the nursing process as a modern and indisputable method of care. The ultimate goal of the study programme is to prepare students for both independent clinical work and teamwork, and to contribute to the further development of the healthcare system of the Republic of Serbia.
The purposes of the study programme
- To enhance the level of nursing competencies.
- To align education with the real needs of society and the healthcare system.
- To align nursing education in the Republic of Serbia with nursing education in Europe and facilitate credit transfer.
- To introduce a quality assurance system in education and care within international standards.
- To standardize and evaluate the knowledge, skills, and professional competencies of nurses.
- To prepare and enable students for self-assessment and continuous education.
- For nurses to contribute to the development of the healthcare system in the Republic of Serbia through their professional work.
- For graduates, through the role of named nurse and patient-centered care model, to be accountable for holistic patient care.
General Competencies
- They will be competent to, using the nursing process, create a healthcare plan and as a designated nurse, plan and fully execute patient care, regardless of whether they work in primary, secondary, or tertiary healthcare. Using theoretical and practical knowledge, they will be able to independently conduct assessments, establish a nursing diagnosis, set priorities, establish goals, and create a plan of interventions that they will carry out while adhering to the highest standards of science, quality, and safety. After completing the care, they will be able to assess how effective the care was and make reasoned recommendations for future work. They will also be able to contribute to solving collaborative problems by performing interdependent and independent nursing interventions. By acquiring the competence to provide care according to the nursing process, they demonstrate the ability to analyze, use critical thinking, draw conclusions, and adjust their conclusions and actions.
- They will demonstrate competence in applying acquired knowledge during care delivery while simultaneously conducting research, and apply the results of their research in their work, presenting them to colleagues as well as to the broader public in their environment and beyond.
- Upon completing their studies, a qualified nurse will exclusively use critical thinking in their work, which they will develop throughout their entire professional career.
- They will be competent to work in a team and communicate comprehensively with other healthcare professionals, taking on their share of professional responsibilities, as well as coordination within a multidisciplinary team, if necessary.
- They will be competent to provide healthcare independently while adhering to the highest standards of quality. In case of necessity, they will delegate tasks according to capabilities and limitations, with evaluation of the outcome, aiming to improve the quality of work, both their own and the quality of care in general.
- They will be competent to understand and adhere to ethical standards at every step of their work, while respecting other narrower and broader principles of healthcare.
A graduate student of academic studies, with the title of a graduate medical nurse, is qualified to work in healthcare institutions, private practice, or with other employers who, according to the law, are authorized to perform certain healthcare activities.
International Compliance of the Study Programme
Like all study programmes offered by the Faculty of Health and Business Studies, the Nursing study programme is comprehensive and authentic, but it also possesses the necessary compatibility with other related study programmes. Formally and structurally, as well as regarding admission requirements, duration of studies, conditions for progressing to the next year, obtaining a diploma, and the mode of study, we have aligned it with several accredited foreign programmes. With the intention of providing students with education that is intellectually challenging and equips them with knowledge and skills relevant to the 21st century, as well as aiming to achieve internationally recognised and competitive status and acknowledgment of economic, social, and health-environmental contributions to the city and the region, we have harmonised the study programme with several programmes offered by accredited global universities in all relevant categories. Examples of close comparability with the Nursing study programme include the following:
Given the way this study programme is designed, foreign university programmes that serve as reference frameworks have been carefully selected and thoroughly analysed. Specifically, the programme has been shaped according to those existing at renowned educational institutions, ensuring alignment primarily in terms of content, objectives, outcomes, competencies, and employment opportunities. Additionally, considerations were made regarding the duration of studies, admission requirements, progression to the next academic year, diploma acquisition, and mode of study, with a focus on those within the European Higher Education Area.
For the reasons mentioned above, the study programme offered by the Faculty of Health and Business Studies represents a unique fusion of contemporary educational trends and market demands.
Which skills does the student acquire after completing this study programme?
The primary objective of the Nursing study programme, which falls within the medical field, is to acquire and adopt a broad range of theoretical and practical knowledge, set standards for healthcare, and transfer skills in the field of healthcare.
Upon completion of the study programme, a graduated nurse will acquire the following knowledge and skills:
- A thorough understanding of the sciences covered in the study programme will provide sufficient knowledge of the structure, physiology, and behaviors of healthy and sick individuals, as well as an understanding of the relationship between health and the physical and social environment.
- Sufficient knowledge of the nature and ethical principles of the profession, as well as the basic principles of health and care.
- They will have enough clinical experience based on completed clinical practice under competent teachers and in institutions where care is provided according to adopted standards.
- They will gain experience through working with healthcare professionals in the field of care, both general and specialized, as well as the ability to participate in the training of healthcare workers, lead complex projects independently and responsibly, while respecting the ethical principles of their profession and commitment to continuous education.
- They will acquire knowledge and experience in working with teams of other healthcare professionals.
- They will be able to solve clinical problems in non-standard conditions.
In accordance with the recommendations of the EFN, a graduated nurse will acquire the following competencies, both general and subject-specific, after completing this study programme:
The study programme consists of subjects contained in the curriculum. For each subject, the total time for an average student to complete all pre-exam obligations and pass the exam is planned, expressed in ECTS credits. At the beginning of the school year, the student enrolls in mandatory and elective subjects so that the sum of the points for enrolled subjects in the school year amounts to 60. The studies are conducted in a way that all forms of teaching (receptive and active teaching, as well as teamwork and independent student work) in the subject are harmonized, allowing the student systematic and continuous mastery of the subject. Suitable equipment and teaching aids are used for teaching (including computers, projectors, models, etc.). In professional subjects, students have mandatory professional practice with a significant number of hours, as envisaged by the subject curriculum, and for the purposes of conducting this part of the teaching, the Institution has provided appropriate teaching bases.
Enrollment instructions
When enrolling in this study programme, a student should:
- Fill out the application form LINK;
- Submit the necessary documentation and apply for recognition of foreign qualifications;
- Submit the payment for the entrance exam;
- Complete the entrance exam (test and interview);
- Sign the study contract for the academic year of 2024/25;

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