Kako je izgledao boravak još dvoje studenata sa partnerskog Univerziteta Hajnrih Hajne Dizeldorf na našem fakultetu? Evo šta kažu Karlota Šmic i Paskal Lejens, studenti master studija Ekonomije, koji su proveli zimski semestar akademske 2022/23. godine na našem fakultetu u Valjevu u okviru Erasmus+ razmene studenata.
Kako izgledamo u očima stranca kao kolege, profesori, sugrađani možete pročitati u njihovim izveštajima dostupnim na sledećim linkovima: Pascal Leyens, Carlotta Shmitz.
A evo i i kako je njihov život sa nama promenio njihov život kod kuće … direktno iz pera Karlote i Paskala:
Like a dream
…this is what it feels like right now. When you wake up accompanied by the feeling the dream leaves in your mind and body and when you can´t yet classify all the things that happened. Some things clear and bright and some far from reality still needed to be processed. But in a good way, not in the – I had a bad, strange dream way that leaves you feeling like “????” – but in a way that makes you think, please I want to keep the dream a little longer.
As I am back home, I now realize even more how different things in Germany and Serbia are. Both countries have their good and bad sides concerning every aspect from mentality, society, politics to economy and to basically everything else. I am now trying to merge all the good things for me from both sides!
I really enjoyed the exchange with our Professors Duško, Branka, Sonja and Marko at SingidunumUniverzitet and am also very happy about the results of our projects. And I am thankful for all the trips to Montenegro, Bosnia and Croatia, which I enjoyed very much and which we could do without any problems besides our studies.
Time went by too fast, those five month were running by and I feel like I haven´t even been gone, like a blink of the eye and I was back in Germany. All I can say is, that I had a very good time, met nice people, enjoyed the Serbian cuisine and all the rakija, shifted perspectives and dived into a culture that was until that point very foreign to me and will now always have a part in my life! Hvala
My mindset has no borders – lasting impressions from Serbia
Halftime! How can it be celebrated the best? Of course, with ten ćevapi from brza hrana „Lane”. Oh „Lane“ what would I do without you, and I am still open for a sponsoring contract. In Serbia it is not a problem to smell after onion and so I have been eating onions almost every day. I thought an onion a day might keep the doctor away.
I got used to the life in Valjevo with all its daily challenges. I decided to sign up to a local gym to get some physical activity. My studies were going well. Meanwhile, I had already passed my first subject.
And what is overall recommended? Right, to leave when it is the most beautiful. So, I decided to continue traveling and discover the Balkans a little bit more. Some trips I did alone, others with friends. All in all, traveling alone is an experience which everyone should at least try out. I surprisingly liked it. People tend to mix up traveling with going on vacation, but believe me traveling is not relaxing, especially if it is done on budget. Fortunately, all destinations were worth the effort. However, at the end I always looked forward to sleeping in my bed in the Dorm. This room has become my home and my roommate has become my best friend in Serbia.
During my stay I did not feel homesick once, even on Christmas, which I spent in Niš, I felt comfortable being alone.
January was by far the saddest month, it was cold, barely sunshine and everybody was busy with university or other obligations. At this point I was glad that I had spent the month before on leisure activities and fun stuff, as now was the perfect time to be dedicated to PC work at home.
Yes, I felt some pressure when I tried to catch up with everything but as usual, everything turned out well and I passed each subject with a very good grade.
After tanking 11 days vitamin Sea in Montenegro and Croatia I slowly started to realize that my journey is going towards the end. Saying goodbye will be inevitable and saying goodbye to my fellow student Carlotta was horrible. Looking back, it was even more painful than to leave myself.
My flight was one weak later, and it was meant to be. I strongly believe that everything in life happens for a reason. Missing Carlotta, life had still something in store for me, namely the best date I have ever had so far. Knowing that I am going to leave soon, I tried to spend as much time with her as possible and so Belgrade had to welcome me many times in my last week.
What to say? I am more than grateful, and I would like to use this opportunity to thank my parents! Without them this experience would not have happened. As a reward they get now an even better version of their lovely son. In general, I realized that I am living a privileged life, although I am facing the same problems as all people do at my age.
I left Serbia with a good impression and I am sure I left a lasting impression to Serbia as well. I have been living my old and convenient life for a few weeks now. Germany is a good country, no doubt, but it is not my nationality that has made me to the personality I am today, it is my mindset. My mindset though, does not know any borders.
I suppose all people who will read this report got to know me in person or have at least seen me. I also thank you for providing me a good time, nice conversations, and stunning photos. I hope you got to know me that good that you know now that there is more than just a pretty appearance. If not, do not hesitate to drop me a message
Best regards and take care of my second home,