My Erasmus+ Experience: Selina live from Valjevo


U okviru Erasmus+ projekta mobilnosti koji Fakultet zdravstvenih i poslovnih studija realizuje sa Univerzitetom Heinrich Heine iz Dizeldorfa, Nemačka, studentkinja osnovnih studija ekonomije sa ovog partnerskog univerziteta, Selina Hegger, provodi zimski semestar akademske 2019/20. godine u našem Valjevu.

Ponosni smo na ono što je o nama napisala. Grad je divan, a ljudi izuzetno druželjubivi i gostoprimljivi. Selina smatra da je kvalitet studija na našem fakultetu izuzetan naglašavajući da se studenti kod nas ne osećaju kao broj, već kao ljudsko biće, kao i to da  na našem fakultetu nikada nije dosadno. Kao fakultet smo uspeli u nastojanju da se Selina, kao i prethodni inostrani studenti na razmeni, oseća dobrodošlom.

Kaže da se sada oseća kao deo našeg društva i presrećna je zbog ovakvog Erasmus+ iskustva.

Sa nama je podelila sve svoje utiske i doživljaje tokom svog boravka na našem fakultetu i gradu. Uživajte u čitanju:


Valjevo, Srbija

decembar, 2019.godine

My time here in Serbia

In the end of September I arrived here in Serbia and now it is 2 months gone. Time flies when you are surrounded by amazing people and when there is so much to see and experience.

People always ask me why I decided to go to Serbia and, honestly, I have no real reason. But on the other hand I regret nothing. I would always choose Serbia again. The people I met are incredibly friendly and seem to help me in every possible way. Usually, they are very open-minded and I can talk to everybody who speaks English. Sometimes in the beginning it is hard to talk to somebody who does not speak English very well, but when you start talking to them you can become good friends. This is absolutely worth leaving your personal comfort zone and talk to strangers in a foreign language. I met a lot of interesting people here and made new friends. Whenever I want I can call them and we meet for a coffee, a party or just for a walk.

The professors are very friendly, too. The student groups at courses are small and the quality of the education is great. If I have a problem or a special need, the professors help me or adapt the course depending on my needs. You are not just a number here at this university, but a human being. Additionally, you feel very welcome here. The professors and the university in general are very aimed at making you feel good and welcome. It is easy to meet new people because you always have the possibility to attend every activity the students or professors plan. It never gets boring here.

If you need a day off you can visit Belgrade, Novi Sad or another city or country near Serbia. The landscape is very nice here so you can go for a hike. Valjevo is surrounded by small mountains, but the city is still big enough to have everything you need. Shops, restaurants, bars, a river, a few monuments, art and history museums are just a few of those things. And if it gets too boring, you can meet your friends for a coffee. There will always be some news to talk about.

I already feel like I am part of Serbian society and this is very special and amazing part of Erasmus+ experience.
